
Buiksloterham is very ambitious when it comes to circularity and sustainability. The goal is to develop the area into a smart, circular, bio-based hub. This is where a local, creative economy will flourish and where services and goods are mutually exchanged. The energy is generated by recyclable sources and the used (building) materials have a high sustainability value. Apart from that, there is a strong focus on biodiversity.


Republica, a small and sustainable city-state

Republica is an exceptionally sustainable ‘city-state’. It generates its own energy with solar panels and the ground-coupled heat exchanger. This energy can be stored in Republica’s battery and mutually exchanged via the SmartGrid, a smart electricity system. The kitchens of the hospitality facilities are equipped with grinders for their organic waste and, like some of the residences, they will be connected to the Waternet biorefinery, which processes waste and wastewater to make biogas. Your green waste produces new bio fuel!

Green roofs

Republica uses recyclable building materials wherever possible. Apart from that, the green roofs will help against overheating and make Republica ‘rain-proof’: infiltration crates collect the (excess) rainwater which they then release slowly via a smart-flow system. The hotel roof is equipped with a natural pool featuring an innovative water purification system. The green sedum roofs, façade gardens, and the greenery on the squares—together with the nesting boxes for swifts and bats—provide more biodiversity at Republica and for the rest of Buiksloterham.